Letter to My Friend in Seat 7F

To the sweet older widowed woman sitting next to me this morning on a US Airways flight from Tucson to Phoenix (Arizona),

I just wanted to say hello again.  Thank you for being so kind. Sharing in my joys & letting me ask you tons of questions about your journeys around the world.  It’s people like you that make me excited about flying alone.  If I had a travel buddy, I wouldn’t have had the lovely opportunity to meet you.  Perhaps I’m not so bummed they cancelled my previous flight & switched the airline I was previously traveling with.  If I have any understanding about how things happen not by chance (quick shout out to my grandfather’s book!), it’s so true.  You are proof that all the crappy things life throws at me, God intends for something even better than before.

I’m sorry it took them so long to get my bag.  I was really bummed that you weren’t waiting when I finally made it off the plane.  I looked for you everywhere.  But I understand that you had a connecting flight that was leaving soon. Thanks for offering the idea to walk to our next gate together though.  It brought a tremendous smile to my heart that you would choose to spend a few extra moments with me.

I’m sad we didn’t get to say goodbye, but perhaps we’ll meet again when you come visit your sister in Kernersville.  Small world, it is.

Hope you made it safely to Pennsylvania & have tons of fun with your friends. You deserve it. :]

Sincerely, the young woman in seat 7D